" Melese Pharaoh"
2th aniv. of irredetism
Acclaimed Dictator
Adwa divides Ethiopia
African Remaining Dictators
Bashir's 9Billion
Charles Taller' Verdict
Death Of Gaddafie
End of Dictators
EPRDF & the 3rd Reich
Eritrean strong man is dead
Genocide Killer
House Nationalization 2011
Libya Non-Fly Zone
New Dams drying the Nile
Tourists Pretext for war
War Game with Eritra
Zenawie loses his sense
First African dictator to be condemned by ICC Charles Taller paved the way for the African dictators like Issias Afewerki, Melese Zenawie etc…
Charles Taller the First African dictator to be condemned by ICC paved the way for the African dictators like Issias Afewerki, Melese Zenawie etc… Former President of Liberia 1997-2003 is…