The Ethiopian Mubarak, Melese Zenawie has been using Islam and Islamists as main enemy of his regime to win the sympathy of western islamophobia since 911 terrorist acts. The dictatorial ruler of Ethiopia has been supported by the west especially the US as a main allay to fight Islamic terrorism in the Horn of Africa. He has prepared and trained qualified agents to provoke the mob in the name of & in the protection of their faith. The recent Church burning in the south is targeted to the western Evangelical faith is trained and prepared by the genocidal regime of Melse Zenawie. This was done by the agents of the genocidal dictators himself to show that he is fighting Islam extremism in his country of  Christians . He is not even ashamed to incarcerate the victims themselves  in the pretext of protecting them. The dictator is qualified in playing such games since he could not imprison his own agents sent for such in human mission, rather easier to persecute the victim. This is done to prove to the West that Muslims in Ethiopia are defusing extremist ideologies endangering the existence of pro Western “Christian Ethiopia”. The same game was played by Hosni Mubarak against the  Copts to perpetuate his power over Egypt and to assure  finical support for West for over four decades.
The news went on playing in the hands of the Ethiopian dictator by declaring  that “Southern Ethiopia 5 evangelical Christian churches are burned down by the Ethiopian Muslim extremist”. Why not local orthodox churches were not burned down at the same time since in every corner in Ethiopia you find Orthodox Churches .  Both  have cohabited for centuries together. one has to ask,Why then it is targeted against the evangelical western Church ?
Ethiopia is a country where Muslims and Christians cohabit for over a millennium. Ethiopia is cited in the Holy Book of Islam the Quran at far at the outset of Islam far back in the time of the Prophet. The country is considered as a country not subjected to Jihad. It is considered as Beled Al Aareb.( country of Semitic Arabic Culture)
The first hijra (migration in Islam history was done in Ethiopia by the order of the Prophet himself:-

“Abyssinia, there you would find a king there who does not wrong anyone!”

The Prophet saw the persecution to which his followers were subjected in Mecca, ordered his followers  to find safe haven in  Ethiopia.
Today the expansion of Islam is due to the Ethiopian King Negasi known in Arabic Tradition Ashama ibn Abjar who saved from annihilation the first ever sect who escaped to Ethiopia from the persecution of the leader of Quraysh tribe . Thus Ethiopia played a great role in safe guarding the prophet family.

The pervert Melese regime programmed his agents  to burn down evangelical  Churches in the South. As expected  the International Christian Concern reacted fast by reporting  that ” the Ethiopian Muslims burnt down five churches, and more attacks are feared from the religion of barbarianism “, with out considering both side of the story , by a simple reality judgment .”  Everything is playing in his hand a dictator trying to turn the world attention from Northern Africa revolutionary  events . Moreover, even the church leaders  ask  for government protection from the ongoing Muslim attacks. The  mob followed his orders  and  thousands instigated mobs came out and have razed five churches and the homes of two evangelists in Asendabo, Ethiopia. The response of the Ethiopian regime is to send security forces ordered  simply to watch that the rest of the the remaining two churches to burn to ashes  and put to jail the remaining Christians asking for protection.
Thus hiding the  main cause that sparked the violent,  the regime itself. The  story  falsely blamed  the executing mob, and the official version of the story for the western consumption, goes the following wise:-
“The Christians of desecrating the Qur’an, more than ten thousand Muslims shouted “Allah Akbar” (Allah is great) as they burned down five evangelical churches.” The government sent the federal police force to protect the Christians after the Muslims burned down the first three churches. The Muslims overwhelmed the police force and burned down two more churches today.”

And the Christian leaders played what is expected for them by the Ethiopian regime “that Muslims will start killing the Christians unless the government sends more security forces to contain the Muslim attackers.” Yes with the help and finance of the West !
The manipulating dictatorial regime could not put the culprit in prison, the instigators and attackers have not been arrested. The government officials detained some Christians and took them to the nearby Jimma town stating that they need to do that for their own security.
The International Christian Concern (ICC) reaction  fall in the hands of the Ethiopian regime which has instigated the scenario for its final games that “The Ethiopian regime need to be supported to fight Muslim extremist in his country and the region”.
So the story goes in the government favor since nobody dares to tell the truth rather the next news of ICC went:-
“Ethiopia is a Christian majority country and was one of the first nations to accept Christianity. However, in the areas of the country where Muslims are the majority, Christians face attacks.” And further:-
“We urge Ethiopian government forces to send reinforcement to protect the Christians in the city of Asendabo from the Muslim attacks. We ask Christians around the world to prevent any further attacks by calling the Ethiopian officials in their countries and asking them to protect the Christians and their property,” said ICC’s Regional Manager for Africa, Jonathan Racho.
“Please urgently contact the Ethiopian officials in your country and urge them to send more security forces to protect the Christians from the Muslim attacks.”
It is a high time that the international community to understand the game of this  dictatorial regimes to maintain its  personal powers by prorogating religious and ethnically based  conflicts  to perpetuate its grip on Ethiopia using the western finical and military support.

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By Prof. Muse Tegegne

Prof. Muse Tegegne has lectured sociology Change & Liberation in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Americas. He has obtained Doctorat es Science from the University of Geneva. A PhD in Developmental Studies & ND in Natural Therapies. He wrote on the problematic of the Horn of Africa extensively. And Lecture at Mobile University..

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