Today’s earth quake of magnitude 4.4 moved the Red Sea which is a prelude for the making of Eastern African ocean. It has a direct impact on the different dams which are in construction in the Horn of Africa, especially that of the Millennium “Death Dam” in the the Nile region of Ethiopia. This the second earth quake in the region since the start of the Death Dam. On March 31 st Magnitude 4.6 – hit Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibouti border on Afar depression. This is the region where the new ocean is in formation. It is high risk for the population in the area to peruse damming by the dictatorial regime of Ethiopia especially the Omotic population in the rift Vally. The Afar region of Ethiopia is plate form of a living volcano preparing the breaking of the continent for the creation of this new ocean of Ethiopia. It takes only a dictator to try to build dams on the splitting plates of Eastern Africa trying to connect two separating plates with with a cement. Last year a 26 km tunnel collapsed on the Omo Dam known as Gibe due to the earth’s movement on its diverging eastern African plates .
Earthquake Location
Magnitude 4.4 NEAR THE East COAST OF Eritrea Tuesday, May 03, 2011 at 18:50:32 UTC