Ethiopian authorities did not act in accordance with the letter and spirit of the constitution when they wanted to name an Desallegn as an interim prime minster following their announcement of the late premier’s death. His wife is even trying to mourn herself to power calming her husband’s place with no avail.
Zenawi’s Ethnical constitution does not assure succession of the vise primer to his post . The post of Deputy Premier is a pure creation of the “immortal” Dictator Zenawie. He executes only responsibilities entrusted to him by the Melese and to act on behalf of the PM in his absence not at his death. Thus Dessalegn could not succeed the deadly dictator of Ethiopia based on Article 75. He does not even have legally present he is a pure creation of Melees Zenawie. Like the The Negus Melese aeie Zenever thought he will never die assured himself the full power with no succession in his dictated constitution inspired from Albert Koja of Albania.
Now Ethiopia is left with no Premier post but vacant since nothing is mentioned in the constitution. It was written in a way no one would replace the great dictator Melese Zenawie written by him. Desallegn playing PM without any legal legitimacy until parliament met. But the main issue of the day is that none one yet named Desallegn as an interim PM…
According to the ethnical constitution Article 73 is made only to the PM to be elected by the parliament from among its members. Thus, it’s only the parliament that can elect a PM,
Bereket Simon’s the Eritrean classic liar made a constitutional error when he say that the parliament will soon meet and ceremoniously elect Desallegn.
The most contending for Melese’s place today are:-
Azeb Mesfin his wife?
Berhane G/ Kristos, formerly ambassador to the US and EU and currently the de jure Foreign Minister
Getachew Asefa Head of the country’s intelligence services,
The Eritrean Haile Tekel Haymanot known as Kuma Demeksa, mayor of Addis Ababa
Seyoum Mesfin, the long time Foreign Minister and current ambassador to China
The Eritreean Bereket Simon, head of the ruling party’s and the government’s Information office
H/ Mariam Desalegn, the interim Premier
Since the sickness of Melese Zenawie and his death a month ago a committee of 7 has been established to assure the succession of power:- 4 Tigerian, 1 Oromo, 1 Amhara and 1 from the South
will Continue …