Ethiopianism Forum for Discussion
The projects of Melese Zenawie the Ethiopian megalomaniac dictator and his SS type equip to constructing over 500 dams all over Ethiopia is a final solution for the Nilotic Omotic ethnic members and the Nile River with that of Egypt. Ethiopia the Tibet of Africa is also the source of 12 rivers flowing to Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, Djibouti and Somalia it is a country full of Geothermal nature friendly energy. Touching one of these waters for dams or diverting their flows any kind of way or manner will cost a lot lives. Melese’s plan will be Holocaust with creating a dramatic water shortage in the horn of Africa and Egypt. The only viable nature friendly solution is to stop the Dams and start a Geothermal power plants, since Ethiopia is endowed more than any country in the world. And the money spent on these ddangeruios exterminating dams,will easily cover one of the French Guadalupe Type Geothermal Plant. Addis Ababa where power shortage is chronic., the city is setting on an erupted sleeping volcano and esy for planting geothermal plant.
Protest targets Italian government over Ethiopian dam disaster
Ethiopia aims to turn itself into a regional energy giant | World … By admin Ethiopia aims to turn itself into a regional energy giant The Gibe 3 dam on the Omo river will be Africas largest, providing power to a nation with one of. Africa water news – |

The Seven Plan of the Ethiopia water Destruction by Dictator Melese Zenawie
1. Melese Zenawie’s plan to build on the Nile a project called Tana Belse will eventually dry up the Nile while diminishing dramatically the quantity of water entering the Lake Tana. This will be like dried lakes in Gobi desert in less than a decade. The two countries Egypt and Sudan are condemned to be aderet with out Nile before they cand declare Water War against Melese Zenawie.

2. Melese Zenawie’s dam project on the Gebe (I, II, II) or Omo River will kill all the Omotic people in Ethiopia and will dry up Lake Turkana, slowly eliminating the Nilotic Omotic population in both countries. He calls them insects to be marched on for his megalomaniac holocaustic plan. Watch the 2nd BBC video… Turning Turkana’s tap off
Dam ‘could spark water wars’ The Karo ethnic group lives near the Omo river
Melese will be in International Court only long after the eradication of the Omo and Omotic people considered as insects to be smashed by Melse and his group eager to make million in their private account in the fiscals paradises !!!
3.Melese Zenawie’s Dam on Koka River will shrink the already drying Awash River and killing all the Afar population up unto Djibouti. (Impact of the koka reservoir on malaria)

4. Melese Zenawie’s Big plan for Shebelle ,Dawa, Gestro and Genale Rivers will end up the last the only fresh drop of water rich to Somalia if any left. This is a dead blow for all the Somalian population and Somalia as we know it today.

5. Melese Zenawie’s plan for Akobo and Baro rivers one and two will diminish the source of water going to the Southern Sudan and will hit the heartlands of the Nilotic of Dinkas and Anyu ak (Annyuaks’s systematic elemination by Genocidal Melese Zenawie has already started) population in Ethiopia and Southern Sudan.
Dam threaten River Baro
6. Melese Zenawie’s crazy Dam in Tekeze will diminish the biggest Nile affluent, the Atbara River, thus halting the Nile from getting to Egypt.
Zekeze Dam the the Time Bomb for Egypt
7. Melese Zenawie’s will be the king of Kings of drought and starvation to all Eastern Africa including Egypt by controlling the source, flow and flood of the only sweet water for all the population in these regions and drrying the river beds.
The May 23, 2010 election in Ethiopia with a result of 99.6% shows that his newly elected parilemnt members will rubber stamp his Megalomaniac plans . And will fulfill any secession ambition to any of the Ethnic regions in Ethiopia. This is bad precedent for the rest of the African continent full of Ethnic tension and conflicts.
Melese’s Hxdro Development of Hydropower in Eastern Africa
Name of Hydropower Scheme | Year of Commissioning G.C. | Installed Capacity (MW) | Energy Production GWh/Year
Energy |
Average | Firm | |||
Aba Samuel* | 1932 | 6 | 1.5 | – |
TisAbay | 1953 | 11.5 | 68 | 55 |
Koka | 1960 | 43.2 | 110 | 80 |
Awash II | 1966 | 32 | 165 | 120 |
Awash III | 1971 | 32 | 165 | 120 |
Fincha | 1973 | 100 | 617 | 613 |
Melka Wakena | 1989 | 153 | 560 | 440 |
Sor | 1990 | 5 | 60 | 48 |
Smaller Stations | 1.15 | 5 | 4 | |
1,705 | 1480 |
The final Solution Planned Hydropower
Name of Project | Proposed Years of Service | Energy (GWh/year)
Average Firm |
Remarks | |
Gilgel Gibe | 1997 – 2002 | 864 | 670 | Under Construction |
Chemoga Yeda | 1998 – 2015 | 3031 | 2526 | Pre-feasibility level |
Upper Beles | 1998- 2015 | 1617 | 1100 | Advanced identification |
Halel IWerabessa | 1998 – 2015 | 1475 | 1180 | Identification level |
Aleltu | 1998 – 2015 | 3550 | 3484 | Pre-feasibility level |
Tekeze | 1998 – 2002 | 981 | Design level | |
Gojeb | 1998 – 2012 | 364 | Works out for tender | |
Tis Abay II | 1998 – 1998 | 359 | ||
Total | 10,664 |
The Best Solution for Ethiopia
The only Solution for Ethiopia is not Dams but Geothermal pant Like that of French Guadalupe.
Geothermal energy is plenty across Ethiopia’s Rift Valley may provide natural super heated steam may be with out deep drilling. Hi own studay conirm that
“The potential of this steam for generating thermal power has been recommended and proved to be attractive. The geothermal potential of Ethiopia been estimated at about 4000 MW. This is said to be the highest potential for any country identified so far in Africa. The economic contribution that this resource might make to the energy economy of Ethiopia is expected to be great but needs to be studied and looked into in detail in a co ordinated manner with other forms of energy. ”
But Melese Zenawie preferes the Dams to make him the Dictators of waters. No one could understand how the Africans choosed him to represent them in the envirmental conference. It is a shame.. They even aplouded his election as being perfect in African slandered.
Afar Ethiopian Geothermal Future
The Kara’s & the Mursi’s guns will not deter Dictator Melese Zenawie for the moment… but how long?