The newly elected president Mohamed Morsy is opening history books to solve the Nile issue with the millennium old relation of  Egyptian Coptic Church with Ethiopia.  For over 1500 the Ethiopian Orthodox Church received its patriarch form Egypt . The Ethiopian church in return grants the freedom of worship in Egypt by using Nile as deterrence  menacing to deviates the Nile water if freedom of Christian cult was not respected. There was a time the Ethiopian kings menaced the Egyptian Muslim leaders to detour the Nile water at its source if the persecution of the Muslims in the Nile country continuous.

There is other main diveregance between the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Egyptian Coptic church on Keys of the Der el Sultan Church in Jerusalem. The key is now in the hands of the Ethiopian monks at the monastery in the heart of Jerusalem. In the  1967  six day war  the key was given back by the Israeli army to the Ethiopians. Recently the Israeli court judged in favor  Egyptian church .  This conflict by the sisterly churches was used as an arm by the Israeli politician between Egypt and Ethiopia. The author was once represented the Ethiopian side of the story   at   the Israeli court in the end of 1970’s.

The newly elected head of the Coptic Church at the recent death of the Patriarch Pope Shenouda III informed the press on Thursday that the church is prepared to accompany newly elected President Mohamed Morsy on his tour of Ethiopia to discuss Nile water allocation if asked to do so.

President Mohamed Morsy will visit Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, as the head of Egypt’s delegation at the African Summit on 15 and 16 July.

Relations between Egypt and Ethiopia were strained when in May 2010; Ethiopia joined other upstream Nile countries in signing the Entebbe agreement, which outlined new allocations for Nile water. The agreement was rejected by Egypt and Sudan, who both stands by a 1959 and 1929 accorded the lion share of the Nile of the waters.

Despite Egypt’s and international  objections, in 2011 Ethiopia began work on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which Egypt claims may reduce its quota of Nile water and dries the Nile water eventually the only source of life giving water to Egypt.

Prior to his death, the Coptic Church’s leader Pope Shenouda III was working closely with members of the Ethiopian church to address this issue.

The deceased Pope Shenouda III was “keen on resolving this crisis during his meetings with religious figures in Ethiopia,” he said, adding that the church delegated several bishops to work on the issue.

The new “Death Dam” in construction in Ethiopian not only will salinate the Nile river but also deprive Egypt from the yearly floods that Egyptian farmers depended of over 12’000 years as the source of their civilization. The new  death dam two times bigger than its source Lake Tana will soon be the biggest manmade lake in Africa with that of Aswan. To fill this big in human dam  will take a minimum of 5 years during which Egyptian farmers will pay the dividend. Today countries like the US are dismantling dams to revive the traditional water flows after constructing over 1500 dams all over the country while African dictators of the Nile are damming the only source of frech water in the region, The Nile.

And the great Tana Lake in consequence will dry when all its water will sip down to the newly built  artificial dam after the construction of the Ethiopian Dictators megalomania dam.  Since Tana lake is placed at the alatitutde of 2200 meters and the the new Death Dam is down at 100 meters all waters will flow down to this in human barrage. According to the recent studies  such  pyramidal dams in the tropical areal will have  a lasting consquence on the disequilibrium earth’s magnetic filed disturbances. (See Video)

Ethiopia could recurs to other sources of Energy like Thermal which in the abundance in the highland plateau and Egypt in return  could be a partner in its realization to safe guard the Nile water by investing in this project.  ( Prof. Muse Tegegne)


By Prof. Muse Tegegne

Prof. Muse Tegegne has lectured sociology Change & Liberation in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Americas. He has obtained Doctorat es Science from the University of Geneva. A PhD in Developmental Studies & ND in Natural Therapies. He wrote on the problematic of the Horn of Africa extensively. And Lecture at Mobile University..

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